2017-2018 Cosplays

2017-2018 Cosplays

Saturday 20 July 2013

Light Amongst Shadows Part 20

“You can’t just give up.” Bakura told the Pharaoh, pissed beyond belief that after everything she had gone through during the last three thousand years, the Pharaoh was going to kill herself before they settled anything, “I’ve waited too damn long for you to return to the world of the living.”

“The city needs to be saved...” The Pharaoh stared at the merged soul fragments in her hand, her gaze never wavering.

“There’s a way to do both.” Bakura, the real Bakura, reassured her friend, pleased that for once the part of her that was merged with Zorc was letting her be there when Oneesan needed her. It was purely for self serving reasons, but she was glad for it, “Her soul can’t leave until yours does. No matter what the Shadows say. Now go save her. Leave breaking the seal to me.”

Oneesan’s gaze finally moved away from the soul in her hand. She stared at Bakura uncomprehending, “Why...Why would you help me? You hate me.”

“Yes. And no.” Bakura admitted. “Once you remember everything, you’ll know why. All you have to know for now is that I owe your little sister a debt and I refuse to wait another three thousand years to pay her back.”

“I...” Oneesan still did not understand but she nodded. It made sense, in a Bakura logic type of way, “Alright. Thank you, Bakura.”

“Don’t thank me just yet.” The former spy master to the former Pharaoh replied with a small grin, “You’ve still got to find the rest of her soul. There’s what, five more pieces?”

“I think... I think I know where to start.” Oneesan returned the smile, hope beginning to blossom, “I know where her heart rests after all.”

“Go. Shoo.” Bakura sniggered, “Before I change my mind. After all, if you die here, I get your Puzzle. I don’t know why I’m not just leaping at the chance.”

“Because,” Oneesan chuckled as she got to her feet, “The only thing you hate more than owing someone a debt, is wasting time and effort. And if I die here, the last two years of you protecting my Imoto-chan is all to waste.”

“See, we can reach an understanding.” Bakura chuckled back, “See you later, your highness.”

Oneesan turned back to Bakura as she reached the door. “Oh, Bakura?”

“What?” The thief snapped without meaning to, frowning slightly as Oneesan tensed up again, some of the camaraderie gone.

“Just don’t die breaking the seal. Okay?” The Pharaoh shrugged, “I don’t want to have to explain to Imoto-chan why one of her friends is dead.”

“Heh.” Bakura grinned, “Don’t worry. I have no intention of dying here. I have far too many things to do.”

That included killing her, Oneesan was willing to bet on it. However she was willing to take this truce, more than happy to take advantage of it to save her little sister. She darted out of the building and was halfway down the street when the Shadows cleared to reveal a dark, clear, starlit sky.

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