2017-2018 Cosplays

2017-2018 Cosplays

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Back When I Was Writing a Kingdom Hearts Self Insert...

Sam looked from the scene in front of her to her sketchbook and back, drawing was harder then creating the scenes on her computer. She changed pencil, from her graphite one to a red pencil that she used to pick out the colours of the bush just to the left of her.

It was a year and a half since she’d gotten back from her adventures with the Keybladers, when they’d locked the Keyhole of the Elements, the last door to Kingdom Hearts, the Heart of all worlds. She’d come to univeristy to take Computer Games Art and Design, was in her first year, and seemed to have made a group of friends that while she didn’t trust them enough to tell them about her Keyblade adventures, she felt she could trust them with everything else.

Someone screamed but Sam ignored it, people at university seemed to scream for no reason a lot.

Then she jumped a mile as a Shadow, the lowest of the Heartless, leapt at her.

Calling her Keyblade without thinking about the effects, she defeated the Shadows who were attacking her class.

“Run!” She snarled as a new batch appeared, this time with Neoshodows too.

Her classmates didn’t need any more promting, as the Teacher directed them to return to the classroom, “Samantha?” He asked.

“GO!” She snarled as she counter attacked, cutting through the ranks.

The Teacher ran.

“Hey!” She snapped at some Heartless who were chasing her friends as she raced back to the classroom, “Pick on someone your own level.”

The Heartless turned and attacked.

“BURN!” She snarled.

The Heartless left.

Sam considered not going back to class.

The first time she’d had Heartless trouble for weeks and it just had to be when there were people around… shit.

She went, the Teacher would have come looking for her if she hadn’t.

Sending her Keyblade back to ‘hammer space’, she pushed the classroom door open.

Someone cheered quietly but everyone was watching her like she was an alien.

“Samantha?” The Teacher asked, “Are those things gone?”

Sam nodded, looking at the floor.

“What was that weapon you used?” The Teacher asked.

“My Keyblade.”

“And what were those things?”


“Sam?” Drake asked, walking over, “You can’t really have a Keyblade, that’s from a game.”

“Can you deny those were Shadows? Like the ones a year and a half ago?”

Drake opened his mouth, then frowned and gave her a strange look, “But…”

Sam sighed and called the Rising Phoenix to her, making people jump back, “I’m not going to hurt anyone, this is the Rising Phoenix, the Keyblade of Fire.”

“You’re Sora?” Haili asked.

Sam snorted, “No but I know him, do you remember that game that came out, the unexpected Kingdom Hearts 3 that came out before the sequal we were expecting?”

“The one where there were Elemental Keybladers and…” Drake looked at her, “One of the characters looked like you.”


“Then the games are real?”

Sam nodded, “I am Chosen of Fire.”

Questions exploded from all angles at once.

Sam looked at the floor, this wasn’t good.

She looked over to her friends.

They were avoiding her gaze.

“One at a time,” The teacher snapped, “Sam, I assume that you want this to be kept quiet.”

“Please, this can’t get out.” Sam looked despirate, she knew she did.


There was mass disappointment but everyone promised.

However from there Sam’s life went downhill as the Heartless started coming more and more often.

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