Shadow Treaty update!!!
New chapter here: Chapter 18: Before the Plunge
2017-2018 Cosplays

Tuesday, 26 September 2017
Friday, 15 September 2017
Monday, 11 September 2017
Ennead: Battle of the Gods - Night on the Blimp
“I’m sorry, Jou, but I’m breaking my promise.” Yugi’s tone
was apologetic and soft as she smiled at him ruefully from across the dock. His
mind, which was still recovering from kicking Isis out of his head, stalled.
She couldn’t mean…
“Mystical Ref Panel!” Yugi’s gaze turned upwards, to the
pixie holding the magic mirror containing the very last card Isis had managed
to make him play, the direct assault card, Meteor of Destruction and his heart
froze. She couldn’t. She wouldn’t… “Direct your attack towards me!”
“Yugi!” Jou screamed as the fireball launched itself out of
the mirror and consumed the opposite side of the field.
And then he woke up.
Gasping for breath he quickly scanned the room he was in,
only to find he had not woken any of the others who had crashed in his room. A
fact he was both grateful for and irritated by as he had to weave between them
to grab a drink of water.
This was the third time this evening he had been woken up by
the duel at the docks and he knew it would be almost impossible to get back to
sleep again. Especially when every time he closed his eyes he saw Oneesan
having to pick herself up after a direct assault, or Yugi falling after the
meteor’s attack or worse, his best friend lying limp and unbreathing on the
docks after he had pulled her from the water…
He thanked every god he had ever heard of that her heart had
still been beating and that he had learned CPR.
He knew it was not safe to wander the blimp, but staying
here would not help either. He wanted fresh air to clear his head, or to go for
a walk, but they were trapped by Rich Boy’s insistence on showboating and Isis’s
insane other self that seemed to want to rip Yugi’s friends apart to get to
He flinched as he remembered Mai’s Shadow Game and the harm
Yugi had taken upon herself in order to not only interfere in the Game but protect
him and Mai from Ra’s fire. He had sworn that he would defeat Isis and save
Mai, but he had no idea how he was going to do that. Not yet anyway.
Part of him wanted to check on Yugi. She had been tired and
sore when she had come around after the attack, but he had let Anzu talk him
into heading into his room and sharing it with the others, giving Yugi the
space Anzu thought she needed. He was not so sure. Yugi did better around her
friends. She always had.
After the incident earlier today though he could not be sure
that she would want him around. He had hurt her. Isis had had him under her
control, but it had been him playing the cards. Him who had taken a piece of
the Puzzle out. Him who had broken his promise to Oneesan and made Yugi scream
in anguish and emotional pain at the betrayal.
He had to make things right but he did not know how.
Oneesan was okay now. He knew that. He knew he had managed
to fight Isis’s control enough to put the piece back in and free her once
again, but he had still done it. Yugi had, somehow, forgiven him for his treacherous
actions, but he could not forgive himself. Not yet. Not until he had worked out
how he could ever make it up to them.
He did not think that he ever could. Yugi had nearly died because
of him and he had sent Oneesan back to the Shadows. He had not broken free from
the brainwashing until it had nearly been far too late to save his friend and
even then he had needed Kaiba’s help to revive her.
Jou cussed quietly, causing to Honda grumble in his sleep
and roll over. The blonde grimaced and made up his mind. He’d go for a walk and
see where he ended up. Isis had to be in bed by now and he needed to clear his
head or he would be in absolutely no state to duel in the morning. That would
be bad. Yugi would need the emotional support of having someone in the
competition with her.
He was still tempted to knock on her door but he suspected
Yugi was most likely either asleep or trying to sleep and would not appreciate being
woken because of his nightmares.
He slipped out the door, locking it behind him so Isis could
not hurt anyone else because of his carelessness and headed down the darkened
corridors. He was unsure of where he was headed but he did not care as he tried
to calm down.
Despite everything, Yugi did not hate him for what had
happened. Oneesan had even deliberately pulled him aside to tell him that she did
not blame him for sending her back to the Shadows and that if he wanted to be
mad at anyone, he should be mad at Isis. Logically he knew that. He was just a
normal duellist. He did not have any magic of his own that he could have used
to protect himself from Isis’s Millennium Rod. He could not have stopped her
from taking control of his mind and brainwashing him into trying to kill Yugi.
That knowledge did not help when he closed his eyes or awoke
from a nightmare but it did help now, as he wandered the hallways and let his
feet lead him around the kitchens, past the control deck and back down to the
bedrooms, stopping him right in front of Yugi’s door.
He hesitated. She was probably asleep. He knew he himself
was only awake because of the nightmares. Oneesan would probably behead him if
she had finally managed to talk Yugi into sleeping and he woke her up but…
He knocked on the door.
“One minute,” Yugi’s voice was shaky as she answered,
worrying Jou, “Who is it?”
“Just me, Yuge.”
“J…Jou?” He heard her scramble for the door and when it
opened it was to reveal Yugi was still dressed, the Millennium Puzzle hanging
in it’s customary place and she looked worried. “What’s wrong?”
“Couldn’t sleep either?” His response got a startled and
slightly hysterical laugh from his best friend, who moved aside to let him in
and locked the door behind him.
The moment it was safe Jou hugged her, feeling her freeze up
in his arms before she clung to him, clearly needing the comfort despite the
wavering question of, “Are you sure you wouldn’t be safer with the others?”
“I’m here, Yuge. Where I want to be…” He rubbed her back
gently, reassuringly and heard her sniffle, suggesting Yugi was about to burst
into tears.
“B…but…it’s not safe. I’m not safe…Isis will hurt anyone who’s
close to me…” Yugi mumbled as she tried to get herself under control. “A…Anzu
was right to keep you all away…you’re…”
“Not going to abandon you Yuge.” Jou promises, edging
towards the bed and pulling Yugi into a sitting cuddle, “No matter how
dangerous the situation looks. I promise. I’m not going anywhere.”
“But…I…I can’t…” Yugi trailed off, trying not to admit to
what she was thinking.
“Can’t what Yuge?” Jou asked quietly.
“I can’t,” Her voice wavered, on the edge of tears, “I can’t
lose any more friends…” She started sobbing.
Jou had been expecting it and held her tightly, rubbing her
back and cooing softly, the way he would if Shizuka needed comfort. It seemed
to help as Yugi’s sobbing soon slowed as the girl curled into him, still
needing the contact but beginning to doze off.
“You’re not going to lose us, Yuge.” Jou promised quietly,
just continuing to hug her, “No matter what happens, we’re going to stick with
you.” He felt her relax and little and began to let go of her.
“Stay?” Yugi’s tone was soft and pleading as she grasped his
“Alright.” Jou nodded, lying down with her and staying still
so she could drift into an exhausted sleep. He soon followed, the comfort of
having Yugi pressed in against him keeping the nightmares away for the rest of
the night.
Saturday, 9 September 2017
Ennead Afterlife: Dark Side, The Pharaoh's Alerted
It had been a long day of ruling and the Pharaoh was looking
forward to just spending some time with her brother and friends and playing
some games as she headed for her chambers, then, in the evening, as she had
been doing for the last couple of years, she could check in on her friends in
the living world before bed. Not that she was too worried about them. While
Imoto still had the occasional magical issue pop up, her friends had been
mostly safe since she had moved on and Yugi had temporarily retired from the
competitive Dueling circuit. The only one she was particularly worried about
was Kaiba and even that was more because she did not like his odds of
maintaining his sanity when he realised she could not be summoned back if he
completed the Puzzle again, then because she was afraid someone was going to
kill him.
“Sister.” The Pharaoh grinned as her brother joined her in
the corridor, “You up for Senet tonight? I'm going to beat you this time.”
“You haven't beaten me ye...” The Pharaoh's gloating was cut
off by a sudden feeling of power being ripped out of her, causing a cry of pain
as she stumbled and fell to her knees as a bolt of blue energy raced away from
her and out of the nearest window.
“Sister!” Atem knelt next to her, looking worried, supporting
her. “What just happened?”
“I...I'm not sure...” Her reply did not reassure him but it
was honest as she tried to assess what had just happened. “I...I think someone
just summoned Obelisk...”
“What?! But only you can do that!” Atem yelped, his face
“Me or Imoto...” She agreed, pushing herself onto her feet.
“And possibly one other...I need my mirror.”
“Let me help.” Her brother insisted on having her lean on
him, despite the fact she felt okay bar the sudden loss of one of the God
Monsters that rested within her soul. The pair headed straight for her
bedchambers and the large, enchanted mirror within. The Pharaoh had begged
Anubis for this mirror to the living world and she still owed him for allowing
her to have it. It was enchanted so she could see, but not interact with her
friends in the world of the living. Normally that was enough, but today, as she
pressed her palm against it and called up it's magic worry coursed through her,
“Show me the one who has summoned Obelisk the Tormentor.”
Kaiba appeared on it's reflective surface, duelling some guy
who was clearly using magic at the Ceremonial Duel site where she had fought
her final Duel with her sister. She did not entirely understand what was going
on, but she could clearly see that Kaiba had dug up all the Puzzle pieces and
it looked like his opponent wanted them. Obelisk returned to her when Kaiba's
adversary, a man the CEO called Diva, fled the magical duel in favour of
chasing Mokuba, but she was too caught up in what was going on to pay attention
to anything except the rather satisfying head butt that Mokuba dealt out to
Diva, knocking him away from the Puzzle pieces.
“Sister?” Atem asked her as she sat back, allowing the magic
to fade as Kaiba jetted off to wherever he was headed next.
“One second, brother.” She murmured, putting her hand against
the glass again, “Show me Mutou Yugi.” She specified, wanting to know that her
precious little sister was okay. Atem let out a frustrated huff when Yugi
appeared in the mirror but the Pharaoh was relieved to see her doing something
as mundane as her homework.
“Your vessel is fine, sister.” Atem spoke without thinking
and then backed up quickly when the Pharaoh gave him the darkest glare she had
ever aimed his way.
“Imoto is much more than just my vessel, Atem. She is half of
me. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her.” The Pharaoh hissed out, furious,
“How many times do I have to remind you of that?”
“She's a mortal commoner.” Atem reminded her. “She's not of
our caste.”
“Technically she's a noble merchant and Ra's representative
on Earth.” The Pharaoh corrected him, as she got up to leave, “And when she
finally joins us here, when it's her time, she will be ruling at my side as my
other half, as is her right.” Atem scowled, “What?”
“She's not you.” Atem protested, “I accept your right to rule
over us since you were Pharaoh, not me, but she's not Egyptian. She doesn't
know our ways and customs. You can't expect our people to accept her.”
“What would it take for you to accept her?” The
Pharaoh challenged, planning to deal with this when she got back, sick and
tired of the constant jibes from her brother about her little sister.
Especially after everything Imoto had gone through to protect the world and
help her get to the afterlife.
“What did she do? To earn this level of respect and trust
from you?” Atem asked.
“I've told you...”
“Told me, but not shown me. Call it up on the mirror. Let me
see for myself.”
“I don't have time for this, Atem.” The Pharaoh scowled at
him as she headed for the door, “I need to get to the gates. If someone magical
is after the Puzzle, I might be needed.”
“You can't go back. You know that, right?” Atem pointed out
as he blocked her path, “So what's the rush? Anubis isn't going to let you
break through the gates even if your Puzzle gets completed again.”
The Pharaoh stared at him, trying to work out if he was
serious or not. “Brother…I need to go…why won’t you see that?”
“I do, I just…” He hesitated then sighed and ran a hand through his hair, “I just don’t want you to get stuck on that side of the gates again.”
“I do, I just…” He hesitated then sighed and ran a hand through his hair, “I just don’t want you to get stuck on that side of the gates again.”
She paused at that, “Atem…”
“I know…I know I can’t stop you…That I shouldn’t stop you
but…” Atem pulled her into a hug, “I can’t lose you. Not again.” She felt him
trembling and hugged back, hoping to soothe his worried mind, realising that a
lot of his bloody-mindedness over Imoto was him being worried about her trying
to go back to the world of the living and getting trapped again.
“You won’t lose me.” The Pharaoh promised, “I just can’t
leave Imoto to face this alone if there’s anything I can do to help her. Not
when this is over my Puzzle.”
“Pendant.” Atem corrected sullenly as he pulled away, trying
not to look like he’d been crying.
“Not anymore brother.” She sighed. “It shattered, remember?
It’s a Puzzle now.”
Atem did not answer for a moment or two, then he sighed and moved aside. “Go…but I do want to meet this sister of ours one day. If she’s as amazing as you insist she is, I’m going to love her…”
Atem did not answer for a moment or two, then he sighed and moved aside. “Go…but I do want to meet this sister of ours one day. If she’s as amazing as you insist she is, I’m going to love her…”
“Oh you will.” She promised, “And Atem?”
“Yes, sister?” He asked, looking a little worried for her.
“Yes, sister?” He asked, looking a little worried for her.
“Thank you.” She darted for the door, pausing as she slipped
out to promise, “I’ll be back soon.”
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