Red Ranger
Name: Josephine Taylor (Jo)
Age: 19 (physically) 25 (on paper)
Gender: Female
Hair: Mousey brown, reaches halfway down her back, more often than not in a ponytail
Eyes: Brown
History: Was eighteen when she got caught up in the start of the Elfame Realm invasion of Earth and became the Red Power Ranger, their leader, in order to protect people. She hadn’t felt ready to be the leader of the Rangers but had tried her best until the night of the her nineteen birthday, when during a Team Building exercise/her Birthday party the Rangers got a call out and were tricked by the bad guys into entering Elfame.
Though it only felt like an hour or two to the Rangers, who were all entertaining thoughts of continuing the party when they escaped, when they emerged from Elfame they found to their horror that they returned not the same night but the day of Jo’s 25th birthday and that in their absence the Fae folk had overrun the world and the humans are living in zones warded by cold iron and salt.
The Rangers make their reappearance by defending the nearest Zone, which is under attack when they get there, looking for information.
Jo’s one of the lucky ones. Her family made it to one of the Zones, but trying to explain her six year absence wasn’t easy and she ended up having to show her parents and brother what she was in order to have them stop thinking she had run off on them.
Zord: Red Gryphon
Pink Ranger
Name: Stacy Prisby
Age: 21 (mentally/physically), 27 (on paper)
Gender: Female
Hair: Dark brown, almost black hair that’s curly and reaches just past shoulder length.
Eyes: Brown.
History: Was 21 when she was caught up in the invasion from the Elfame Realms and became the Pink Power Ranger in order to help her friends fight against the intruders. She was the one who helped Jo decide where to go for her birthday when they remembered that Brian was a year under the drinking age.
Worked with Phones in the call centre before they were trapped in Elfame, but started working for Jo’s family who own a couple of apartments as a repair man and in exchange lives rent free in one of the apartments and is a welcome guest anytime in the Taylor family home (Yes, they know she’s a Ranger too).
None of Stacy’s family made it into a Zone, but Jo’s family go out of their way to make her feel like part of the family. They did take in Stacy’s cat though, who had been at the vets with Jo’s when the Rangers vanished.
Zord: Pink Pegasus
Blue Ranger
Name: Scott Dee
Age: 19 (mentally/physically), 25 (on paper)
Gender: Male
Hair: Shoulder length, straight dark blonde hair.
Eyes: Grey.
History: Scott was nineteen when he got caught up in the invasion from the Elfame Realms and became the Blue Power Ranger. Though at the time he was concerned with saving people he had been a long term follower of the Power Rangers teams that had emerged over the centuries and the ‘this is so cool’ factor was often a thing when he was presented with new weapons or Zords.
When he emerged from Elfame, Scott found it difficult to get a job, but he had always been a film buff and had been planning to take a Film Studies course. He managed to get an intern position at the TV station and was often sent out with the news crew, allowing him to get close to the action before morphing without anyone thinking that he was out of place.
Scotty’s brother, his brother’s wife and his nephew all made it to the Zone the Rangers find when they’re looking for signs of people when they leave Elfame, but his parents ended up in a different Zone while looking for Scott.
Zord: Blue Wolf
Green Ranger
Name: Brian Higgs
Age: 17 (mentally/physically), 23 (on paper)
Gender: Male
Hair: Short, always messy, brown hair.
Eyes: Green.
History: Brian had been 17 and on his way home from work when the invasion from the Elfame Realm happened and he became the Green Power Ranger purely because he could and it would be cool to be able to kick the fae folk’s rear end. It was because Brian wouldn’t have been able to join them at a pub or the like that the Rangers decided to go ten-pin bowling for Jo’s nineteenth birthday where they were trapped by the Fae Folk for six years.
Upon emerging from Elfame, Brian went back to doing exactly what he had been doing before, minus the job since it hadn’t stayed open for him, which was playing games and getting pushed around by his little brother who had safely made it to the Zones with their mother.
His good friend, Phones, made it to the Zones too and the two often hang out whenever Stacy isn’t working at the call centre for emergencies where she often gives the Rangers a heads up on trouble before it gets too far, by phoning Brian or Jo, who Brian introduced her to.
Zord: Green Stag
Black Ranger
Name: Louise Post
Age: 20 (physically/mentally), 26 (on paper)
Gender: Female
Hair: Shoulder length unruly dirty blonde hair
Eyes: Grey-blue
History: Louise was twenty and somewhat of a bookworm when she was caught up in the invasion from the Elfame Realms and became the Black Power Ranger, though she chose to do so in order to try and eventually find out if a peaceful solution could be reached. She hadn’t originally been planning to attend Jo’s birthday party but had gone along after it had been arranged for them to go do something interesting instead of all meet up at a pub and get very drunk.
When she re-emerged from Elfame after their six year captivity, despite the absence, Louise was the only Ranger able to find a job easily, as she had been training to be an accountant before she had been captured by the Fae folk. She went into politics when she saw how badly the humans were organised and how much help they needed to regain a more stable society but hid her Ranger identity so no one knew that she was a Ranger. When it finally did come out to the public she said something along the lines of “I didn’t want people voting for me because they were afraid of my power or because I saved their lives or because of the Team’s popularity. I wanted people to vote for me because I’m the best choice.”
Louise’s parents didn’t make it to the Zones, but her siblings did and Martin (now 24) does what he can to look after the twins, Gary (14) and Tamsin (14), while Louise helps, supplementing the income where she can and being there for her siblings.
Zord: Black Bear